Saturday, August 2, 2014

Freeze Ahead Slow Cooker Recipes

School is right around the corner for most educators in the south such as myself.  Us dear ol' dedicated souls will begin to devote way too much of our time to our jobs in just a short amount of time.  Like most OCD educators out there, I always try to keep everything really organized both at work and home in order to maximize the most of my time.  Sometimes it works, other times it does not.  So, in the spirit of getting ready for going back to school, I have decided to try to freeze many meals before the start to use during the first month or so of school in order keep myself from going crazy trying to run a household and classroom at the same time.  When I leased my first apartment on my own, my mom bought me a set of Campbell's cookbooks that are full of super easy, low ingredient recipes.  Over the years, I have cooked from these recipes quite frequently.  Most are quite tasty.  One of the books is called Campbell's Slow Cooker Recipes.  Last week I went through this book and wrote down the
ingredients of 13 recipes I felt my husband and I would enjoy.  It is just the two of us, so 13 recipes equals 26 meals in our home! There are many more recipes in the book that you might find tasty. You can find this handy little cookbook at campbell's website for $8.95 or at Amazon, used.  I have compiled a list of the recipes and ingredients needed in a grocery list here.  You can buy the book for the recipe directions, or go to Campbell's Kitchen website for the recipes.  Most of them are catalogued there.  A few of the recipes will need a little prep-work with the meats before placing in a freezer bag, but otherwise they should all be fairly easy with only chopping and bagging needed in the way of preparation.  Good luck!